Rafael Perazza

Rafael Perazza on the map of Uruguay

Rafael Perazza is a village in Uruguay.


Rafael Perazza is located on the territory of the department of San José in its sector 6 settlements in the area are in the northwest of Rincon del Pino and the South East radial. To the west is Mangrullo - Pueblo Leonico Rivero, east and northeast of Villa María Mevir Cañada Grande located. The area south of the place is called Cuchilla San Miguel, east extends the Cuchilla Mangrullo. Add an arc from east to north spacious wrap around the Arroyo Sarandi Rafael Perazza.


Due to the location of the Ruta leads first


The population of Rafael Perazza is 1,277 (as of 2011), of which 632 male and 645 female.

Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay
