Railway Bridge, Kaunas

54.88138923.925Koordinaten: 54 ° 52 ' 53 "N, 23 ° 55' 30" E


Nemunas ( Memel )

The railway bridge Kaunas ( lit. Kauno Geležinkelio Tiltas, Žaliasis Tiltas ) is a railway bridge over the Neman in the city of Kaunas in central Lithuania. The 327 -meter-long railway bridge connects the district of Kaunas railway station with the district Žemutinė Freda. Since November 18, 1996 she is registered at the immovable cultural heritage registers.


The railway bridge Kaunas was built simultaneously with the Kaunas railway tunnel in the course of the construction of the railway line Landwarow - Eydtkuhnen ( Lentvaris - Tschernyschewskoje ). It was built from April 1859 to 4 February 1862 by the French company Ernest Gouin et Cie. The bridge metal parts were manufactured in France and then transported by ship to Kaunas. Since some of the transporters in the Baltic Sea sank, there were delays in the construction.
