Rally raid

A Rally Raid ( or a marathon rally ) is a kind of long-distance rally, which is (English off- road) discharged but, in contrast to the traditional rally not on roads and tracks, but in the field. It take this part not only cars (mostly SUVs and buggies ), but also motorcycles, all-terrain truck and quads.

The most famous rally-raid is the Dakar Rally, more well-known desert rallies are the Baja 1000, the Egyptian Pharaohs Rally, the Orpi Maroc Morocco Rally, the Australasian Safari or the UAE Desert Challenge. In part, up to 700 kilometers per day to cover. Participants must have a correspondingly good condition, since they are exposed to high levels of physical stress.

The Plymouth - Banjul Challenge is a rally raid for charity, taking a similar route as the Dakar Rally with dilapidated vehicles.
