Ramón Villeda Morales

José Ramón Villeda Morales Adolfo (* November 26, 1908 in Ocotepeque, Honduras, † October 8, 1971 in New York City ) was 21 December 1957 to October 3, 1963 President of Honduras.


His parents were Dolores Morales Corleto and José María Chávez Villeda. He studied medicine and published the magazine Juventud Medica Hondureña, as well as with other students the El Universitario. He was chairman of the Federación de Estudiantes Universitarios and foreign representative of the Juventud universitaria de Honduras. He became a physician, made a Doctor of Medicine and Surgery and worked in the Hospital de Occidente in Santa Rosa de Copan.

On April 25, 1936, he married the teacher Alejandrina Bermudez Milla. They had six sons: Ramon Adolfo, Rubén Antonio, Alejandro, Mauricio, Leonardo and Juan Carlos.

In 1937 he received a scholarship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation to Berlin to specialize as a medical specialist.

In 1940 he set up his practice in Tegucigalpa. He was chairman of the medical profession association in Tegucigalpa. He established the first clinic of the Cruz Roja Hondureña, where thousands of arms were given free medical treatment. In 1948, he was an activist of the Partido Liberal de Honduras. In 1949 he was chairman of the Consejo Supremo Liberal Party Council. He founded the newspaper El Pueblo. In May 1953, he put on a party convention of the Partido Liberal de Honduras before a party statute and a party program.

On 25 April 1954, the National Convention of the Partido Liberal de Honduras José Ramón Villeda Morales as presidential candidate nominated.

In the elections on 10 October 1954, José Ramón Villeda Morales as often chosen to Julio Lozano Díaz had him deported from Honduras and he went into exile in Costa Rica.

After the fall of Julio Lozano Díaz, he was sent by the military junta under Héctor Moncada Caraccioli as ambassador to Washington.

On August 26, 1957, he returned to Honduras. He was welcomed in San Pedro Sula by 100,000 people.

From the Constituent Assembly, he was elected with 37 votes to 20 for President in November 1957.

He concluded by Kenneth H. Redmond ( * 1896 in Indiana), since 1951 the successor of Sam Zemurray, and Whiting Will Auer ( 1906-1962 ), of 5 March 1954 to March 24, 1958 U.S. Ambassador to Honduras, the Pacto de Agua Azul.

He assumed his presidency on December 21, 1957.

Under his presidency, welfare benefits were introduced and a new labor legislation enacted.

Under his presidency, Honduras had comparatively attractive conditions for shipowners, which led to Ausflaggungen.

On July 12, 1959 Coronel Armando Velásquez Cerrato left the committees of the Policía Nacional, occupy the Telegraph Office and Military Academy. José Ramón Villeda Morales Adolfo dissolved the Policía Nacional. He founded the 2,000 -strong Civil Guard, a militia party, Partido Libaral de Honduras, which was paid by the Administration of Justice Department and was involved in the September 6, 1961 in the massacre Matanza de Los Laureles.

In April 1961, the Ramón Villeda Morales government broke off relations with the government of Fidel Castro. Then Cuba was expelled from the Organization of American States.

His policy corresponded to the U.S. Alliance for Progress program.


  • Deputy: Milla Francisco Bermúdez, Juan Miguel Mejía, José Mejía Arellano
  • Government and administration of justice minister: Lisandro Valle.
  • Foreign Minister: Andrés Alvarado Puerto.
  • Minister of Mineral Resources: Milla Francisco Bermúdez.
  • Health and Wohlfartsminiser: Rafael Martínez Valenzuela
  • Finance and Economy Minister Fernando Villar, Jorge Bueso Arias
  • Minister of Communications and Works: Roberto Martínez Ordoñez
  • Education Minister Miguel Angel Mejía, José Martínez Ordoñez.
  • Labour and Social Security Minister Oscar Armando Flores Midence
  • Secretary of Homeland Security and Defense: Antonio Molina Ortiz

Under the constitution, his term would have lasted until 21 December 1963.

The traditional power elite Honduras feared that he had been elected president in presidential elections on 10 October 1963, would have touched with this mandate their position of power. On the morning of October 3, 1963, José Ramón Villeda Morales Adolfo flown aboard a C-47 Fuerza Aérea the Hundureña to Costa Rica into exile and shot about 500 men of the Guardia Civil. John F. Kennedy was the Oswaldo López Arellano diplomatic relations with the regime set.

Under Ramón Ernesto Cruz he was accredited as Chairman of the Permanent Mission of Honduras to the United Nations on 20 September 1971.

According to him, the Ramón Villeda Morales International Airport was named in San Pedro Sula.
