Rancid (2000 album)

Rancid is a 2000 studio album by the same name published punk band Rancid. After the album Rancid, which was published in 1993, it was the second self-titled album by the group. Stylistically, the band returned with this album to punk and ska elements back, albeit with more hardcore influences than in the albums before Life Will not Wait.

The album contains 22 songs with a playing time of under 40 minutes, about 2/3 of the items are less than two minutes.

The band was treading in the recording of the album a rather unconventional way: The album was called ' Live' recorded, that is, that all the band members played simultaneously.

Title list

Rancid ( EP) ( 1992) | Rancid (1993 ) | Radio Radio Radio ( EP) ( 1993) | Let's Go (1994 ) | ... And Out Come the Wolves (1995 ) | Life Will not Wait (1998 ) | Rancid ( 2000) | BYO Split Series, Vol 3 (with NOFX ) (2002 ) | Indestructible (2003 ) | B Sides and C Sides (2007 ) | Let the Dominoes Fall (2009)

  • Album ( Punk)
  • Album 2000