Randy Rides Alone

  • John Wayne: Randy Bowers
  • Alberta Vaughn: Sally Rogers
  • George Hayes: Marvin Black / Matt Mathews
  • Yakima Canutt: Spike
  • Earl Dwire: Sheriff
  • Artie Ortego: Deputy Al
  • Tex Phelps: Deputy

The lone rider is the German title of an American Westerns in 1934 with John Wayne in the lead role. The film was shot in Santa Clarita in the U.S. state of California. The premiere took place in the U.S. on June 18, 1934.


Randy Bowers is on the way to Ed Rogers. But in the Saloon Halfway House, he finds only a few corpses and a cleared safe. When the sheriff comes to regard the silent Matt Mathews to the scene, he takes Randy determined summarily. In truth, however, is hiding behind the Mathews warrant searched Marvin Black, who head up those robbers gang that the Halfway House has invaded. With the looted money will buy from his niece Sally Rogers Black Land. However, the plan does not go on because the money is not held in the safe, but in a secret location.

With a covering letter convinced Randy Rogers niece of his innocence. They freed him from prison and then be trusted in his protection. First, however, Randy has to escape the sheriff. On the flight, he stumbles upon the hideout of the bandits and joins them. Black instantly recognized him as the escaped suspects and remains suspicious. It can bring yourself to learn from her the hiding place of the money Sally. Since they cooperate refuses, the bandits imprison them in their lair, where Randy contact with her recording. Sally tells him where to find the money.

He easily finds the hiding place in the Halfway House and replaced the money in the chest by a few sticks of dynamite. Based on a sample of the font dumb Matt, he also finds out that Marvin and Matt are one and the same person. So he attracts the attention of the sheriff and his men and leads them directly to the hideout of the gang. In the tumult of the exchange of fire escapes the leader, Marvin, and sets out to Halfway House to finally get the money. When trying to open the chest with a shot from his revolver, detonated the dynamite and tears off the robbers with her ​​death. So Randy can end explain his actions and Sally return the seized money, which in turn declares her affection.
