Ranunculus aquatilis

Ordinary water crowfoot (Ranunculus aquatilis )

The Ordinary water crowfoot (Ranunculus aquatilis L. ) is a Wasserpflanzenart from the family Ranunculaceae.


Habitus and sheets

The plant is amphibious. In deep water, long stem axis are formed up to two meters. The landform is very niedrigwüchsig. The floating leaves are serrated deep kidney shaped ( can occasionally be missing, sometimes irregularly shaped transition leaves), the triangular stipules are fused three-quarters or more of their length to the petiole. The dive leaves are cut fine hair / gabelspaltig (always present ).


The radial symmetry flowers are hermaphroditic. The five white, durable petals are yellow at the base and 5 to 10 millimeters long. The nectar glands are round to cup-shaped. Per flower, there are 14 to 22 stamens. The flowering period is from April to September.

There are usually 32 to 36 (extremely 21 to 49) at first hairy, later partially balding nutlets per flower formed. The fruit stem is shorter than the stem of the float opposite sheet.

The species is hexaploid with a chromosome number of 2n = 48

Like all Ranunculus species of Ordinary Water crowfoot toxic.


The species has deposits in floating leaf companies standing or slow-flowing, usually base- rich, meso-to eutrophic, muddy, but not heavily polluted waters, especially in ditches, in ponds and pools. The distribution in Central Europe is insufficiently known, as it is a designated critical clan ( see below). Unlike the name "Ordinary W. " pretends, the species is rather scattered and occurs, for example far less frequently than the style shield - water crowfoot water crowfoot or Pinselblättrige. In the waters richer lowland longer localities are naturally present as in the hilly and mountainous country.

Confusion species

There are several, sometimes very similar white-flowered Ranunculus species occurrence in the aquatic environment. Moreover, it can come to a complete blurring of species boundaries by numerous hybrids between them. Very similar is in particular:

  • Shield water crowfoot (R. peltatus cabinet ) ssp with the subspecies. peltatus, ssp. baudotii (salt water crowfoot ), ssp. fucoides and ssp. sphaerospermus;

But also:

  • Straddling water crowfoot (R. circinatus )
  • Ender flood water crowfoot (R. fluitans )
  • Pure White water crowfoot (R. ololeucos )
  • Pinselblättriger water crowfoot (R. penicillatus ) ssp with the subspecies. penicillatus ssp. pseudofluitans
  • Rions water crowfoot (R. rionii )
  • Haarblättriger water crowfoot (R. trichophyllus )


  • Efeublättriger water crowfoot (R. hederaceus ).

For the determination of problem often occurs in floristic atlases a summary of the types of R. aquatilis, R. ololeucos, R. peltatus, R. penicillatus and R. trichophyllus to a collective species " R.. aquatilis agg " ( agg = aggregate) - this must not regard the distribution and abundance of the species" R. aquatilis s.str. " be confused or equated.

Taxonomy, nomenclature

Due to the problem determination, there is a variety of synonyms for this type:

  • Ranunculus heterophyllus Weber -: FH Wigg, Prim Fl. . Holsat. 42 (1780 )
  • Ranunculus aquatilis var heterophyllus ( Weber) DC. - In: Lam. & DC., Fl. Franç, ed 3, 4. 984 (1805 )
  • Batrachium aquatile (L.) Dumort. - Fl. Belg. 127 (1827)
  • Ranunculus radians Revel - Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, 19: 120 (1853 )
  • Batrachium radians ( Revel ) Des Moul. - Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, 20 ( 1859)
  • Batrachium carinatum Schur - Ratio Nat. Ver. Brno, 15: 2 ( 1876)
  • Ranunculus acutilobus Merino - Fl. Galicia, 1: 38 (1905 )
  • Ranunculus longifolius ( Rossm. ) Hegi - Ill. Fl. Mitt -Eur, 3:. 581 (1912 )
  • Ranunculus trichophyllus subsp. radians ( Revel ) JAV. . - Magyar Fl, 1: 370 (1924 )
  • Ranunculus aquatilis subsp. mongolicus Krylov - Fl. Zap. Sib 5. 1180 (1931 )
  • Batrachium gilibertii Krecz. - Kom, Fl. URSS, 7: 336 ( 1937)
  • Batrachium mongolicum ( Krylov ) Krecz. - Kom, Fl. URSS, 7: 337 (1937 )
  • Ranunculus flaccidus var radians ( Revel ) Schinz & R. Keller
  • Ranunculus heleophilus Arv. - Touv.


The Ordinary water crowfoot is rarely used as an ornamental plant for ponds. The species is in cultivation at least since 1789.
