Rapa Nui language

Spoken in

  • Austronesian Malayo -Polynesian Central Eastern Malayo -Polynesian Eastern Malayo -Polynesian Oceanic languages Zentralostozeanisch Remote Oceanic languages Zentralpazifische languages East Fijian -Polynesian polynesian Kernpolynesisch Ostpolynesisch Rapanui




Rapanui or Pascuense is one of the people of Rapa Nui on Easter Island (Spanish Isla de Pascua ) of used Polynesian dialect of the Austronesian language family. On the Island and the Chilean mainland and on Tahiti and in the U.S. there are people talking 2500-3500 Rapanui.


Directly related to the languages ​​of Rapanui is ostpolynesischen subgroup ( Tahitian, Marquesanisch, Hawaiian or Māori ). Many of the currently valid words come from the Tahitian. The font Rongorongo is probably an early form of Rapanui, Rapanui today is written in the Latin script. Language comprises 5 vowels (a, e, i, o, u ) and 10 consonants ( h, k, m, n, ng, p, r, t, v). Not present are occurring in most European languages ​​voiced plosives ( [b, d, g] ), fricatives ( [x, f, s ʃ, θ ] ) and the [ l].


Rapanui formed from the original Polynesian language during the long isolation phase after the colonization of Easter Island. Until the arrival of Europeans in the 18th century was spoken on Easter Island Rapa Nui only.

The first official Rapanui teaching was carried out in 1975 on the orders of the Chilean Ministry of Education. The following year Rapanui was introduced as a subject at primary level. With the so-called Ureinwohnergesetz (Law No. 19,253 ) in 1993 there was the first time a provision for the protection, promotion and development of culture and language of the natives. In addition, the National Association for the development of the locals established ( CONADI ).

