Rebate plane

With a Falcgebels wells can be produced with workpieces from the edge. They work similar to a platform bench, but there will always be rectangular folds planed. There are simple and adjustable Guillaume. In the simple Falcgebels a planing box cheek returns and serves as a contact. A result, the depth of the fold is determined. The other cheek jumping against the planer base of and forms the start-up, whereby the width of the fold is fixed. Since both cheeks are unadjustable, only folds of a certain width and depth can be produced with this planer. With the adjustable Guillaume adjustable metal or wooden rails are used as arrival and bake for determining the size of the rabbets. There can be up to 30 mm wide made ​​seams. For cross woodworking a pruner is present except the inclination of the iron. The pre- cuts the wood fibers before the chip removal is carried out by the iron. Previously, the Guillaume was frequently used because already machines take over this operation, the Guillaume is rarely used. However, there are modern Guillaume served yet by hand and are preferably used by small businesses.
