
Red Assassin Bug ( Rhynocoris iracundus )

The assassin bugs ( Reduviidae ) are a family of bugs (Heteroptera ). They are widespread with about 7000 species worldwide. The German name refers to its exclusively predatory lifestyle. The bugs make their prey, primarily insects of all kinds, actively seek or expect it lurking on flowers or other places. Some assassin bugs, if they are being harassed, even in humans cause painful stings, which cause discomfort rarely in healthy people.

Distribution and habitats

Assassin bugs are found worldwide. The highest species diversity can be reached in tropical subtropical regions. They colonize almost all terrestrial, mostly heat favored habitats to caves. The animals on the ground, on flowers, the bushes and trees. Some species live in urban areas of people in houses, barns and attics.

Characteristics and lifestyle

The types of assassin bugs vary considerably in their size, shape and color. The largest Central European style, the dust bug ( Reduvius personatus ) reaches a body length of up to 19 millimeters. Other types, for example of the genus Empicornis achieve only 3,5 to 5 mm. Other hand, assassin bugs, which are several centimeters tall live in tropical - subtropical regions. Several species are slightly built, some are almost similar to mosquito. Other species are robust and vigorous as the species of the genus Rhynocoris. There are slim to very elongated, almost rod-like forms with long legs. For example, the species of the genus or Metapterus Panstrongylus. Many species are well adapted by earth-toned hues of the body surfaces of the environment ( Tarntracht ). Other types wear reflective costumes and are often conspicuous black-red or black-yellow colored. In some species the wings are reduced. The wings of many other species, however, are well developed and give them a good flying. The half- Ceiling ( Hemielytren ) never have a cuneus and the membranes have multiple cells.

The free-moving head of the assassin bugs is often elongated and between the eyes or behind these constricted, so that a rear neck -like headboard is deferred. The antennae are always knelt. The orientation of the animals is predominantly optically with the help of their great compound eyes. Furthermore, two simple eyes ( ocelli ) are present in all long -winged forms behind the sensors.

Assassin bugs have a short, tripartite, strong and almost semicircular bent downwards proboscis ( rostrum ), which is not applied to the body when at rest. Its tip can located on a for the purpose of producing sounds on the front chest between the front hips, quergerieften longitudinal channel to be moved back and forth. The sound production of the animals used for defense; whether it is also used for communication within species is not known. When puncture in the prey saliva is injected, which paralyzes the prey or kills animals. The animals live exclusively predatory of various small arthropods ( arthropods ). A specialization in certain prey groups has not yet been determined. The assassin bugs are active hunters and run in the vegetation around looking or keep lurking often on flowers on to prey on pollinators. The legs of the assassin bugs are often very long. In many cases, the front legs are developed to catch legs, with which they grasp and hold their prey. Some species have, on the front and center rails a cushion of dense hair, a so-called " sponge furrow " ( fossula spongiosa ), which assists in retaining the spoils. Few species of the subfamily Triatominae have evolved over the predatory lifestyle addition to bloodsuckers to mammals and birds, and sometimes also in humans. The parasites contained in the feces of many Central American species of this family, which is mostly released at the same time near the sting site, can cause Chagas disease.

Like all bugs are hemimetabol the assassin bugs. The development of the larvae takes place over five molts by separate larval stages. The persistence of unfavorable seasons takes place predominantly in the adult and larval stages. The generation time can range from less than a year to several years, depending on the amount of latitude and climate.


The assassin bugs family consists of eight sub-families in Europe with a total of 114 species. The Phymatinae are sometimes regarded as a separate family, the Phymatidae. The sickle bugs ( Nabidae ) family was the assassin bugs found sooner because of their similar lifestyle, although no family relationship of the two individual groups. Worldwide there are about 7000 known species. In Central Europe the family of assassin bugs is represented by 20 mostly heat-loving species.

Subfamilies and a variety of ways:

  • Amyot and Serville Emesinae, 1843 Empicoris vagabundus
  • Emesopsis
  • Ploiaria domestica
  • Coranus subapterus
  • Ringed assassin bug ( Rhynocoris annulatus )
  • Red Assassin Bug ( Rhynocoris iracundus )
  • Peirates hybridus
  • Phymata crassipes
  • Dust Bug ( Reduvius personatus )
  • Pygolampis cognata
  • Panstrongylus geniculatus
  • Platymeris biguttatus
  • Platymeris Rhadamanthus

