
Flösselaal ( Erpetoichthys calabaricus )

The Flösselaal ( Erpetoichthys calabaricus ) is the only species of the genus Erpetoichthys from the family of bichirs. For many decades he was known only by the generic name " Calamoichthys ". In contrast to the species of the genus the authentics bichirs the Flösselaal has only 10-12 Flössel and no pelvic fins.


It is located in western Africa; the distribution area ranges from Benin to Cameroon, where it is often found particularly in the Niger Delta. The crepuscular and nocturnal animals reach in an elongated figure - the length of the animals exceeds their height by 24-fold - a maximum length of about 90 cm. For measurements on the river Ouémé in Benin lengths from 24.5 to 35.3 cm were detected. The male has 12-14 rays in the anal fin dark olive, which is also thickens during the spawning period. The anal fin of the female is pale ocher and has only 9 rays. Flösselaale usually live in freshwater lakes or rivers, but also go into the brackish water. They feed on prey on smaller animals, especially insects and worms. Finding the food is done with the sense of smell, as Flösselaale look very bad.

The gills of the Flösselaale rich, as with the other Flösselhechten, is not sufficient to ensure the supply of animals with oxygen. The Flösselaale therefore additionally rely on breathing air, wherein the air-bladder of the animals is used as the lungs. Therefore, they can leave the water for a few hours. The movement is slowly sliding by means of the small pectoral fins, "page writhing " (as some snakes) or, more rarely, anguilliform.

Aquarium maintenance

The attitude of Flösselaalen in aquariums is quite possible; the animals are occasionally to purchase at fine retailers. The tank should have at least 1 m in length. The temperature of the water should be between 24 and 28 ° C, thereby slightly acidic (pH 6.5 to 6.9 ) and medium hard to be ( at 10 ° GCH ). Soft substrate of fine sand should be provided, as a dense planting and hiding places. Flösselaale are only conditionally suitable for a community tank, small fish can be eaten. Some animals eat only live food and meat ( fish, molluscs, crustaceans, insect larvae, heart, beef and horse meat ). Often the animals take high quality on the ground sinking granulated food. The basin should be of vacancies ( inflows and outflows ) such as be secured with a coarse filter cotton to prevent the escape of the curious animals.

The species is difficult to breed, but under certain conditions it is possible.
