
The clerkship is a preparatory service has been ( training time) for official races of the category of the higher service to the German government (local authorities, corporations and foundations under public law ) or other sources of public administration in the Federal Republic of Germany, insofar as they awarded the employer ability to officials by law is. The internship usually lasts two years and is intended to provide practical knowledge, which could not be mediated by the university. In some cases it may be shorter.

Admission to the clerkship

Can enter the clerkship, who has completed after at least three years at a university studying with his first state examination or an equivalent academic examination. His official title is clerk, possibly with a career on the indicative prefix (such as a law clerk, trainee teacher ). Trainee derives from Latin and means literally Referendarius " rapporteur ".


The training of the trainees ( apprentices) is generally up to the national authorities, who have taken this training regulations. Some of the trainees are managed as temporary civil servants. However, most countries have begun, on the basis of § 14 BRRG old version 's public service training relationship as employee status ( often with fewer references ) to design, provided that the clerkship is a prerequisite for professions outside the civil servant ( especially for clerks, because the legal training is a prerequisite for the legal profession ). Only in Thuringia legal trainees are currently temporary civil servants.

The two largest groups of trainees are:

  • Teacher trainees and
  • Articled clerks.

A smaller group of trainees are the technical trainee whose clerkship prepared for the higher technical service. Depending on the desired field of study is a degree in natural science or engineering degree a prerequisite for entry. The career test will be taken up to the states of Baden -Württemberg and Bavaria centrally from the Upper examination office for the higher technical management service. Largest group of technical trainees is that of Baureferendare.

In addition, however, eg library trainees for academic and public libraries, archives trainees for the state and municipal archives, veterinary trainees for the state veterinary diagnostic laboratories, fire trainee for the higher fire service, forestry trainees for the higher Forest Service are trained. For all trainees a career examination is regularly prescribed; they are usually during the preparatory service officials.

For more information about the clerkship species are found in the respective categories under preparation service.

Terms of Use

The service name " trainee " is protected and may only be conducted with the public approval for a teacher. An abuse of the title is according to § 132a StGB. The punishment is imprisonment up to one year or a fine. In the states of Baden -Württemberg, Hesse and Saxony is " law clerk " of a public interest title, which is awarded to the existence of the first legal state examination or with the issuance of the certificate (Hessen). At a setting in the preparatory service which use the title therefore in these countries is not bound (Baden- Württemberg: § 35 para 3 JAPrO; Hesse: § 25 para 3 JAG; Saxony: § 15 para 4 SächsJAPO ).

Termination and Effect

The clerkship is completed with the second state examination ( Great State Examination ). Upon successful completion of the traineeship graduates are usually entitled to carry the title of Assessor, possibly with a career- specific prefix ( eg legal assessor, Studienassessor, archive Assessor ). Its existence is a condition of appointment ( setting) of an applicant as a probationary official or civil servant employed on probation; the second state examination is the extent and career examination. Often the existence of the second state examination also of the law is due prerequisite for professions outside of official careers in carriers of public administration ( eg, lawyers, notaries, teachers) or notify the candidate in the labor market benefits (eg Bauassessoren, archive assessors ).
