Regular army

As a Constitutional Army each on the basis of the Constitution (Constitution ) of a state formed, regular army is commonly referred to. It is thus the counterpart to both the monarch alone assumed armed forces ( fight for or against constitutional monarchy ) and to irregular rebel armies or private militias.


Especially for some selected armies in the history of the term has been used.

  • The army of the constitutionalists in Spain, ie, but later supported the trailer of the constitutions of 1812 and 1823 and which were subject to each King Ferdinand VII 's daughter against the Carlists
  • The followers of the Brazilian ex- Emperor Pedro I and his daughter, Mary Gloria (constitutional monarch ) that in Portugal the miguelistischen usurper ( Pedro's brother Miguel) fought 1833/34, see Miguelistenkrieg
  • Those troops propaganda called the Constitutional Army of the Ottoman Sultan Abdulhamid II, with whom he did not want to protect in a coup d'état on 13 April 1909 in Istanbul, the Constitution, but to override. The coup was crushed after three days of fighting by the Young Turks under Mahmud Şevket Pasha, the deposed Sultan, executed the constitutional officers, without exception,
  • The liberal army until 1920 under Venustiano Carranza, Adolfo de la Huerta, and Emiliano Zapata during the Mexican Revolution