Reigny Abbey

Daughter monasteries


The monastery Reigny ( Rigniacum ) is a former Cistercian abbey in the town of Vermenton in the Yonne department, Bourgogne region, France. It is located about 27 km southeast of Auxerre on the right bank of the river Cure.


The 1104 in Fontemoy ( Fons humidus ) of Anseric, the Knight of Avallon, and Gui de Noyers endowed priory grew rapidly and in 1128 joined the Cistercian order in which it was admitted as a daughter house of Clairvaux Abbey Primary. First abbot was Étienne de Toucy, a monk of Clairvaux. 1134 the monastery to its final, by Guillaume of Auxerre and Nevers provided location was moved on the right bank of the Cure. The monastery, which flourished in the Middle Ages and up to 300 monks counted had to suffer under the Hundred Years War and the Huguenot wars. 1759-1765, the monastery church under the direction of Claude- Nicolas Ledoux was rebuilt. With the dissolution of the monastery in the French Revolution, it housed nurmehr eight monks.

Buildings and plant

Monastery church, chapter house and other buildings were demolished after the dissolution of the monastery. The medieval monastery church was a three-aisled plant in the form of a Latin cross with half-round closed season choirs. The sechsjochige refectory dating from around 1300 with ribbed vaults remained intact. His two ships are separated by five pillars. The tracery of the pointed arch window is partially decorated with rosettes. The southern part of the monk tract is still available. The dovecote is also yet. Pieces of equipment from the church have fallen into surrounding churches.
