Reo Fortune

Reo Franklin Fortune (* 1903, † 1979) was an American anthropologist and ethnologist.

His main field of research was Papua New Guinea. He conducted research on the social organization of the Dobu Islanders of the Western Pacific and the religion of the people of Manus, an island of the Admiralty Islands. His main work is concerned with the sorcerers of Dobu.

Fortune was married to Margaret Mead, whose theories he rejected in part.


  • The Social Organization of Dobu. London 1931
  • Onama Secret Societies. New York, Columbia University Press, 1932 ( Contributions to Anthropology, Columbia University, Vol 14)
  • Manus religion: an ethnological study of the Manus natives of the Admiralty Islands. Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society, 1935 ( Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society held at Philadelphia for promo ting useful knowledge; 3)
  • " Arapesh Warfare. " In: American Anthropologist NS 41, 1939, pp. 22-41
  • Arapesh. New York, Augustin 1942 ( Publications of the American Ethnological Society, 19 )
  • Sorcerers of Dobu: the social anthropology of the Dobu islanders of the western Pacific. Introduction by Bronislaw Malinowski. New York, 1963 Dutton