Rex rabbit

As Rexkaninchen a group shorthaired breeds of rabbits is called.

  • 5.1 German Shorthair
  • 5.2 Astrex or Astrakhan -Rex
  • 5.3 Normannenrex
  • 5.4 Opossumkaninchen
  • 5.5 satin -Rex

Properties of the Rex Rabbit

The fur of the Rexkaninchen is significantly shorter than that of normal rabbit hair with a length of 17 to 20 mm. The hairs are perpendicular away from the body; the guard hairs that are present in the same number as in the normal rabbit hair, not or only slightly protrude in contrast to normal rabbit hair the undercoat. The guard hairs are irregularly developed and show constrictions, thickening and ripples. The mustache and a flair for hair and eyelashes Rexkaninchen are shortened and bent in half. The absence of tracer hair is a serious mistake and leads to exhibitions to exclude from the assessment.

Due to the short hair, the fur of the Rexkaninchen gets a velvety structure which is reminiscent of a moleskin. Since reduced accordingly the color zones of the hair in all Rexrassen with agouti factor, the color often looks different than the normal hair breeds; in particular, determined by the guard hairs flaky top coat appears more as a uniform, dark veil.

Rexkaninchen (except Rexzwerge ) have a maximum weight of 4.5 kg. The minimum weight varies depending on the color gap between 2.375 kg and 2.5 kg; the normal weight is depending on color 3 kg 3.5 kg. The body is slightly elongated and cylindrical, while the front and rear the same width. Neck and neck appear only hinted at, the head is elongated in still wider forehead and muzzle. Due to the short fur Rexkaninchen look slimmer than normal hair breeds; especially the otherwise hidden in the fur neck is clearly visible.

Rexkaninchen are now approved in various sizes and color varieties. They form in the scheme of rabbit breeds, such as is used by the Central Association of German race - rabbit, the Division VI - short-haired breeds. Since the combination of a certain color or drawing is breeding major problems with the Rexfell, in principle, all can be transferred to Rexkaninchen during normal hair available colors and drawings. Such combinations are regularly presented as new varieties to larger shows.

Rex rabbit breeds

Medium Short Hair Rabbit

Weight 3.5 -4.5 kg ( Switzerland: 4 - 4.7 kg )

Chin- Rex

Color according to Chinchilla rabbits.

Blue -Rex

Color according to the Blue Vienna.

White - Rexes

Pure white coat, both the albino color shock with red eyes (similar to the New Zealand White ) and the Leucistic colors blow with blue eyes similar to the White Vienna are allowed.

Three-color piebald -Rex

Color according to the Rheinische piebald.

Dalmatian Scheckenrex

A check point race, a normal -haired counterpart of this race does not exist, the Dalmatian Rex is the drawing of the dog breed Dalmatian, ie many small, round spots of color distributed on a white ground with at least 3 points to show on each side of the body. In Switzerland, as a drawing black, blue and havana recognized.

Yellow -Rex

The Yellow- Rex shows the red color of Red New Zealander and the Saxon gold.

Castor Rex The Castor Rex ( German Beaver King ) is the original breed of short-haired rabbits ( see also history of the breed ). His fur is called beaver colored, genetically it matches the color of the rabbit rabbit, it's a wild colored coat with additional yellow amplifiers.

Black -Rex

Black fur, according to the Alaskakaninchen or the Black Vienna.

Havana- Rex

Dark chocolate brown fur with a reddish eye, according to the color of the Havana rabbit.

Blue Gray Rex

Bluish-gray fur, that is, wild blue colored fur, according to the Blue Gray Wiener and Perlfeh.

Mauve -Rex

Pastel -colored, light blue color with a brownish haze, according to Marburger Feh.

Japanese -Rex

Similar to the Japanese rabbit checkerboard -like distribution of yellow and black color fields. The BDK ( Association of German rabbit ) approved color image in the " floral ".

Small short-haired rabbits

(Weight 3.00 to 4.50 kg)

Error -Rex

Delicately tinted bright blue with a slight bluish haze, the coat color matches that of the Marburger Feh.

Lux -Rex

Reddish brown body color with fehfarbigem veil, the color corresponds to the Luxkaninchen.

Loh -Rex

The Lohrexe show the drawing of Lohkaninchen how these are they allowed in the colors beats Schwarzloh, Braunloh and Blauloh.

Marten Rex:

The marten - Rexes show the drawing and color of the marten rabbit in coat colors brown and blue, as this corresponds to only the drawing of spalterbigen type marten the objective of the standard. The deck color is a bright blue or brown, on the sides and flanks the color is slightly brighter on rear legs and shoulders slightly darker. Jaws, chest and belly are light brown or blue. About the back pulls a dark, broad, laterally not sharply defined stripes, the dark face mask is defined also not sharp and extends to about the level of the eyes. Ears, legs, eyes, flower and edging are also dark.

Russians -Rex

The Russenrex shows the drawing of the Russians rabbit. The animal is pure white with red eyes. Ears, muzzle, legs and flower are dark colored. Russenrexe are approved as blue and black colors as shock.


Rhönrexe show the drawing image of the Rhön rabbit, a mixture of white color and gray polka dots in irregular distribution that resembles a birch trunk in color.

Kleinrex Rabbit

The Kleinrex Rabbit is a new race in Europe. Only in 2004 the first 15 animals of this breed came to the U.S. and Europe have already been recognized in January 2007 in Austria as Neurasse. The animals bring, besides the known colors, a large range of new colors. In size and weight the Kleinrex between the smaller standard Rex variants and the Zwergrex is. Visually, the animals are rather smaller than the similar Rexen dwarfed animal. According to the Austrian standard between 2 kg and 2.5 kg should be (valid for all EE countries). In Austria, the Kleinrex in all the great colors Rexkaninchen ( Standardrex ) 2010 was equal. The weight according to the German " working standard " is 1.7 to 2.6 kg, an ideal Weight 2.0 kg.

Small Rexes are in the decision process in Switzerland and in Germany in the BDK. Other countries where the breed is approved, Australia, Denmark ( from 10/ 2010), Finland (from 01 /2011), Great Britain, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Norway ( from 10/ 2010), Sweden ( from 01 /2011), Hungary.

With over 2 million animals internationally the small Rex Rabbit (English Mini Rex and Mini Rex U.S. ) is now the most popular rabbit breed in the world.

Another type of Kleinrex Rabbit is currently bred a new race in the United States: The Velveteen Lop. This breed is a combination of Kleinrex and English rams. The weight is 2.25 to 3 kg, ideal 2,6 kg. The ear length ( span ) should be at least 35.6 cm, the width of ears 1/4 of the length. After several attempts had failed at admission, race in 2008 was officially admitted to the new breed.


( Weight 1.3 -1.4 kg ).

Rexzwerge correspond to type the ermine rabbit and the colors of dwarfs. Rexzwerge registered in the recognized in the larger Rexkaninchen color varieties.


( Weight 1.2 kg - 2.25 kg ).

Rexzwergwidder correspond to type the Dwarf Lop. The breed is not yet recognized in Germany, however, the first presentation at the BDK for the BLS in October 2010 it is intended. Rexzwergwidder recognized since 2005 in France and Canada.

History of Rexkaninchen

The first Rexkaninchen were found in 1919 by the French peasants Caillon in Coulonge Department Sartre in two successive litters of rabbits battle ( Sandford writes from a normal gray female rabbit, which agrees well with the wild colors of the Castor Rex ). Caillon showed the animals the rabbits also holding village priest Gillet, who took over the animals, a buck and a doe ( After Sandford Gillet received breeding animals of the original two animals ). The offspring of these animals was again only from short-haired rabbits, however, the mortality rate was very high, so that Gillet normal -haired animals had Lock. Sandford reported that the length of the Grannenhaars in the first generations varied yet strong addition to animals whose guard hair the undercoat hardly surpassed, there were those whose guard hair almost reached the normal -haired rabbits.

Joppich writes that in the area earlier short haired rabbits should have occurred, but no further attention was paid. With regard to the genetics of Rexkaninchens that seems plausible, but the parents of animals used Caillon must have possessed both the Rexfaktor recessive.

Gillet put his animals as Castor Rex ( Beaver King ) 1924 first off, the name of the breed was chosen because the color of animals of the same beaver fur and the new structure should make the race for King of the rabbit. The displacement of the remaining races through the Rexkaninchen was expected. In France, Prof. Kohler, then 1, Chairman of the Syndicate of Small Animal Breeder associations of Alsace-Lorraine and owner of a small animal farm in Thumenau in Alsace Rexkaninchen from which he bred more colors strokes over time. From Kohler took over Hans Nachtsheim 1925 a buck. At the same time Rexkaninchen ( recognition import to the UK in 1927 as a race in the Netherlands in 1927 ) spread to other countries. It implement the new race soon a wild speculation, for the animals exorbitant prices were paid, Dorn writes of 1,000 marks for a single animal, Joppich of the counter value "of a good dairy cow ". This bubble meant that even inferior and prone to diseases animals were increased, among which Rexzucht still suffered some time. After the inevitable bursting of the speculative bubble only serious breeders remained in the race. In Germany the Rexkaninchen were sometimes called ( until 1953 ) as a short-haired rabbit, then we returned to the internationally accepted name Rex.

The Rexzwerge or Zwergrexe emerged almost 50 years after the onset of Rexkaninchen. Started in 1967 (West) Berlin breeder John Friday with the breeding of white Zwergrexen, two years later, Hans Pfützner started from Ettlingen to breed black, white and castor colored Zwergrexe that were presented together with dalmatian colored Zwergrexen by Karl Erne Niefern 1974. Friday presented his animals for the first time in 1976. After initial rejection by the Central Association of German rabbit was 1980 recognition as a breed. In the GDR, similar experiments had taken place to breed dwarf rabbits with Rexfell; recognition as a breed was also here in 1980 with the valuation provisions for breed rabbits in socialist countries. According Joppich have already been shown on the Sieger Show 1965 in Dresden Hermelinrexe. While Zwergrexe are still quite rare, the larger Rexkaninchen are regularly seen at exhibitions.

Genetics of Rexfells

Main article: Genetics of the domestic rabbit,

There are (at least) three known loci that lead in the rabbit Short coat ( Rex fur ). According to literature, these animals are phenotypically indistinguishable, but lead crossing each other in the F1 generation to normal -haired offspring. The day -to-find in Germany Rexkaninchen all belong to the Castor Rex - type ( or rex r1 ). The Rexfaktor behaves recessive to normal hair coat, and a mating with Angora or satin rabbits results in the F1 generation to normal -haired animals, as all these changes affect different loci.

Similar breeds

In the past, were two, possibly three, additional mutations that led to phenotypically Rexfell.

German Shorthair

Shortly after the appearance of the French Rex described above from Castor Rex - type occurred in Lübeck with a rabbit mount short -haired animals in several litters of rabbits battle on, Joppich writes of a wild gray bucks and later some albinos. After these animals some unsuccessful breeding attempts have been made, they went into the possession of Frederick Joppich in Boberg at Hamburg, the further breeding the animals and compared in detail with the French Rex. It was found that the hair structure of the German Rexes so far differed from the French, as the hair of the German short hair rabbits showed a wavy and slightly crimped structure, giving the skin after Joppich gave a persianerähnliche structure, while the French Rexes are smooth. Intersections of the two types were always normal -haired offspring, from which it could be concluded that there were two different mutations. Nachtsheim ordered the mutation of the German short hair rabbit to the symbol dek (Normal Hair Dek ), the international symbol for this is r2 / R2. Joppich presented the progeny of the animals entrusted to him in several colors from 1928 and 1929 under the name Wollrex. Later it was renamed in German short hair. As a breeding goal a wavy curl the hair has been specified with a slight curl of the hair tips. The breed never reached greater significance. From the German Shorthaired two more, also disappeared again blows followed: in 1930 were shown at a show in Leipzig, German Lockenrexe, but obtained no meaning. Furthermore, fell in one of the litters of German Shorthair at Joppich a buck, which corresponded to the Possum fur rabbit but its structure not inherited.

Astrex or Astrakhan -Rex

From 1932 to 1934 the German short hair very ähnelnder Rextyp called Astrarex or Astrachanrex was bred in the UK, which was exhibited among others in Leipzig in 1936. Joppich describes him to the Leipzig animal as blue, according to Sandford he was admitted in all colors. Sandford writes in 1996 that this breed in the UK very rare, if not become extinct. In which ratio of the genetic Astrex to the other Rextypen is not known.

A few years ago one designated as Astrex rabbit breed in Canada has emerged.

In Kleinrex breeders around Manchester (United Kingdom ) or in Austria emerged in recent years repeatedly isolated Astrex rabbit on, all of which are on the last Astrexlinien recyclable (even the Canadian lines).


1927 came from France, another Rex - type to Germany, the Normannenrex or Normans short hair. Animals of this type were created in large breeds Russians rabbits. They also showed the Russians drawing. Joppich she describes as both superior in quality and health of the formerly quite susceptible Castor Rex. Despite this superiority, they could find no more widespread and are likely to be gone again. Norman Shorthair were both German short hair and with Castor Rex paired normal -haired offspring, so that there is a third type of mutation, which is referred to in the international symbolism with r3/R3 by Nachtsheim with nok (Normal Hair Nok ).


The Possum Rabbit is mentioned by both Joppich and Sandford. The aim was to mimic the fur of the " Australian possums " ( brushtail possum ). Joppich achieved this with a single buck, which had fallen in 1928 from a litter German short hair. The animal had projecting perpendicularly from the body, ruffled hair on his skin seems rather half-length in the figure shown by Joppich, however, is as was evident from stunted hair flair, have shown the typical signs of the Rex fur. A further growth of the type was not possible, although it together with the DPV ( German Judges Association ) had found admission into the valid until 1935 Community standard of BDK and RBDK.

In England a similar Possumkaninchen was bred by T. Leaver from Kent in 1924. Leaver, whose goal was to create a variant of the Rex Chifox ( a now extinct breed that is said to have owned a 6 cm long hair ) to grow, it received the Opossumkaninchen. Later, even so-called " woollies " ( Long-haired animals that fall within normal litters ) of the silver breeds bred to achieve a silver treatment. The Opossumkaninchen described by Sandford has about 25 mm long hair that projects at right angles from the body, the guard hairs are crimped without pigment and slightly at the tips. The history of the race after it appears to be a combination of the Rexfaktoren with the long hair factor. Compared to the " normal" ( Castor Rex ) the Opossumfell is recessive. The Opossumrex is obvious today also the United Kingdom very rare, possibly extinct.

Satin -Rex

The unknown in Germany Satin -Rex is a combination of the Rex and Satin factor in a rabbit race represents the breed is at least recognized in the UK, but he seems also very rare.

As a variant of the Dwarf Lop Satinrexe in Germany are bred from some usually not organized in the breeding associations lovers. Satin Dwarf Lop have so far recognized in any European Union. They belong to the " young race" for which the BDK an initial assessment will carry on its federal performance show in October 2010 in order to meet the qualifications set a process in motion recognition.
