
Reynosia is a genus of the family of the buckthorn family ( Rhamnaceae ). It includes about 15 species mostly in Central America and the Caribbean.


Reynosia are evergreen shrubs or small trees, whose leaves are arranged on opposite sides.

The flowers are as sessile, achselbürtige, umbel -like zymose fascicles or single flowers. The flower cups is short bell - to hemispherical. Petals absent. The intergrown with the flower cups Diskus is fleshy. The ovary is upper constant. The fruits are drupes with a stunted by the second compartment einfächrigen stone core. The abundant endosperm in the seeds is hard.

Distribution and systematics

The Reynosia include fifteen species and are in the southern North America, Central America and the Caribbean home.

The genus was first described in 1866 by August Heinrich Rudolf Grisebach. Within the buckthorn plants it is classified in the tribe Rhamneae. The types include:

  • Reynosia jamaicensis
  • Reynosia guama
  • Reynosia septentrionalis
  • Reynosia krugii
  • Reynosia uncinata


  • Rhamnaceae
  • Buckthorn plants