
Richalm of Schoental ( allegedly † 1219 ) is a well-known also under the name Richalmus Cistercians. He was abbot of the monastery Schoental ( attested 1219 ).

In addition to the Dialogus miraculorum ( dialogue about the wonders ) of Caesarius of Heisterbach Richalms Liber is revelationum ( Book of Revelations ), the. In an abridged form under the title Beati Richalmi Abbatis Speciosae Vallis in Franconia Ord cittern Revelationes de insidiis & versutiis Daemonum ( Book of Revelations about the snares and wiles of the devil ) by Bernhard Pez was published in 1721, one of the important sources for demons or devils faith of the Christian Middle Ages.

"This Revelationes consisting of 130 capitula prove that the devil is in the 13th century put in all folds of ordinary life. The honest Abbas to try to hide far away, speaking from his innermost conviction, which by nature is also the time generally viable intuition. "


  • Richalm of Schoental: Liber revelationum, ed. Paul Gerhard Schmidt. Hahn, Hannover 2009, ISBN 978-3-7752-1024-9 ( critical edition with introduction)