Richard De Angelis

Richard De Angelis, Richard DeAngelis written, ( born 1932 in Boston, Massachusetts, † December 28, 2005 in Silver Spring, Maryland ) was an American actor and comedian.

Richard De Angelis served during the Korean War in the United States Navy. After that, he worked for 14 years as a representative. At 38, he decided to change his life. He stopped smoking, became a vegetarian and attended a drama school. In 1983 he graduated from the University of Maryland from the master.

De Angelis appeared in the theater, on in advertising for television, radio and print media. When Ricky Roach, he was active for many years as a stand- up comedian. He had small roles in A Monday in October (1981 ) by Ronald Neame, with Walter Matthau, in John Waters ' A Dirty Shame, and others. His most famous role was that of Raymond Foerster in the award-winning television series The Wire.
