Riedbach (Kinzig)

The Riedbachstraße Schluechtern

The Riedbachstraße (rear) opens into the Kinzig

The Ried Bach is a right and northern tributary of the Kinzig in Hesse. It arises from the confluence of murder ditch and Hermes creek north of Schlüchtern.



Murder ditch

The murder ditch originates southwest of Gomfritz at the roadhouse in Mordtal. It flows south to Schlüchtern. It is about 3.1 km, the shorter and less water source stream.

Hermes Bach

The total of about 4 km long Hermes Bach arises from the confluence of Mätschbach and coal mine water. It flows southeast and merges with the murder digging for Riedbachstraße.


After the confluence of the headwaters of the Ried stream runs south through the western city center of Schlüchtern. The Hager water where it flows to and Riedbachstraße opens opposite the sports ground in the Kinzig.


  • Hager water ( right), (3.3 miles)