Rimpa school

Rimpa (Japanese琳 派), also Kōrin -ha (光 琳 派) or Sōtatsu - Kōrin -ha (宗 达 光 琳 派) is a school of Japanese painting, named after its major representatives Ogata Kōrin or even Tawaraya Sōtatsu, by the end of the 16th century to the 19th century flourished without in each case there was a direct student-teacher ratio.

Stylistically, it is distinguished by the use of vibrant colors, including gold and silver color.

The beginning

To Rimpa School One is now not only the namesake Kōrin and his younger brother, Kenzan, but also

  • Tawaraya Sōtatsu (俵 屋 宗 达, active from 1600 to the 1640s ). Sōtatsu, which began as a manufacturer of painted fans, developed from artisans to artists took over decorative elements from the Tosa and Kano school without following their academic rigor in image composition.

Kōrin and Kenzan

Two generations later, then followed

  • Ogata Kōrin (尾形 光 琳; 1658-1716 ). This was impressed by Sōtatsu so that he painted the large mural Screen Couple " Matsushima [NB 1]" in a similar form and the smaller pair of " Wind and Thunder God " [NB 2] pretty much copied.
  • Ogata Kenzan (尾形 干 山; 1663-1743 ). Kōrin's younger brother was especially active as a potter, with Kōrin occasionally painted the square ceramic bowls.

Kōrin generation

Kōrin's painting style was followed, though not as a direct students, including

  • Watanabe Shiko (渡 辺 始兴; 1681-1756 ). Shiko, a native of Kyoto, initially painted in the Kano style, but then was based on Ogata Kōrin. A well-known work is the setting screen couple " The mountains of Yoshino ," which reproduces the famous cherry blossoms there.
  • Fukae Roshū (深 江 芦 舟, simplifies today芦 舟; 1699-1757 ) was born in Kyoto. He could have Kōrin whose style he followed partly known, in his own image " on the ivy - path " ( Tokyo National Museum ), however, is modeled more Sōtatsu.
  • Hochu Nakamura (中 村 芳 中;? -1819 ), Also from Kyoto who later lived than those indicated above, was mainly active in Osaka. In 1802 he was gafu a printed photo book to Kōrin Kōrin out.

The big final

After a break of one generation can be found, inter alia,

  • Sakai Hōitsu (酒井 抱 一, 1761-1828 ) Hōitsu ( real name: Tadanao ) was a younger brother of the daimyo of Himeji, Sakai Tadazane. At 37, he took over for a short time the function of a higher priest in the Nishi Honganji, lived and worked but withdrawn in Edo. Noticeably, the aristocratic origins in his works. His screen couple "Summer and Autumn Flowers" in the Tokyo National Museum is painted on a silver background. On the backs are Ogata Kōrin's " Wind and Thunder God " copy.
  • Kiitsu Suzuki (铃木 其一; 1796-1858 ) was the most gifted student of Hōitsu. He comes from a family of dyers Ōmi the province, then was Suzuki Reitan, a samurai from the Sakai clan ( Himeji ), adopted.


Rimpa covers a whole range of artists in their entire life. Adjacent styles were included, some of the works is likely to be incurred by the taste of the client in accordance with. It should be noted that with a Rimpa style developed in Japan, ahead of the European modernism of the 19th century.

Image selection

Kōrin: Matsushima (detail)

Kenzan: Design for a tea cup

Shiko: Yoshinoyama (detail, right folding screen )

Roshū: "On the ivy - path "

Hochu: subjects

Kiitsu: folding screen (detail)

Notes and References
