Rinderkennzeichnungs- und Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz

The beef labeling supervision delegation Act ( RflEttÜAÜG ) was in 1999 in the German state of Mecklenburg- Vorpommern ( listen RkReÜAÜG? / I ) part of a legislative proposal with the full name cattle marking and beef labeling supervision delegation law. This law should govern the transfer of supervisory responsibilities of the labeling of beef and the identification of cattle.

With the introduction of the law in the state legislature, some deputies burst into laughter. The Mecklenburg- Western Pomerania Agriculture Minister Till Backhaus then apologized for the "possible" excess length of the laws permit.

The actually adopted on 19 January 2000 law is called the law of assigning the tasks to monitor the cattle identification and labeling of beef, the official short title is cattle marking and beef labeling supervision delegation law.

Beef labeling supervision task transfer law is with 63 letters of the longest valid and commonly used compound nouns of the German language ( especially since it is a valid English word to describe a now historical fact also remains with the repeal of the Act).

In 1999, the word of the German Language Society for election to the word of the year was proposed. This word was also a major impetus for the linguist Gerhard Augst for a the Yearbook of the Institute published for German language study on Mehrfachkomposita in which he noted that the number of such long words - tapeworm words - in the last 100 years, as opposed to short words and Abbreviations has not increased significantly.

The Act was repealed on May 29, 2013.

Longer words

From 1992 to 1996 was in the Guinness Book of Records the name of a Donaudampfschiffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft, but whose existence is questionable.

In December 2003 ( GrundVZÜV, 67 letters) was set a new record by again repealed in November 2007 Land transport permit transfer of competence regulation, which owed ​​their profits, however, the part of regulation.
