Rio Verde, Goiás

Rio Verde is a Brazilian municipality in the state of Goiás in the mesoregion southern Goiás and in the micro-region of Southwest de Goiás. It is located southwest of the Brazilian capital Brasília and Goiânia capital.

Geographical location

Rio Verde is bordered by the following communities:

  • To the north by Caiapônia and Montividiu
  • On the northeast by Paraúna and Santo Antônio da Barra
  • On the east by Santa Helena de Goiás
  • On the southeast by Maurilândia and Castelândia
  • In the south Quirinópolis and Cachoeira Alta
  • On the southwest by Aparecida do Rio Doce
  • On the west by Jataí


Rio Verde maintains partnerships with the following cities:
