Roach's mouse-tailed dormouse

The mouse sleepers ( Myomimus roachi ) is a small rodent of the family of dormice.

Exterior Features

The mouse sleeper is a stocky dormouse, whose tail is quite short with an average of 78% of body length. The head-body length is 70 to 130 millimeters. The tail is 60 to 100 millimeters in length, the hind feet 20 millimeters and the ears 13 to 18 millimeters. The Condylobasallänge is 24 to 28 millimeters. The animals weigh 21-70 grams. The top is brownish-gray with a dark center strip, on the bottom, however, the fur is light gray to beige. The ears are gray. A face mask is not present. Are located on the front feet, 5 and on the hind feet 6 bales. The animals have 14 teats, considerably more than other dormice.


The species occurs in Bulgaria, Turkey and possibly also in Greece. The closed area extends from southeastern Bulgaria on the Black Sea coast north of Burgas after southwest and then broadening to the south to Thrace to the coast of the Mediterranean Sea and Sea of ​​Marmara. In western Anatolia, the species is detected only in three isolated areas, the exact limits of distribution are still unknown. Subfossil remains of the kind found in the south of Turkey and Israel, indicating a formerly much larger area of ​​distribution.

The type populated scrubland, Riverbank and semi-open landscapes with bushes and trees, such as orchards, vineyards and hedgerows in agricultural areas. In areas with intensive agriculture, Articles lacking

Way of life

The sleeper mouse lives longer on the ground than other dormice. Its diet consists mainly of seeds. From October to April, he keeps underground hibernation. The fat stores necessary for this mouse sleeper mainly under the skin.


Myomimus roachi 1937 was first described based on fossils of Charles Spence Bate.

Threats and conservation

The species is in the Red List of IUCN listed as endangered ( "vulnerable "). In the European part of Turkey, most of their habitat has been converted to farmland. Bulgaria also few natural habitats are left in the range of the species. Overall, the distribution area goes back. But it is hardly possible to say what the distribution area exactly is going on, since nothing is known about the precise habitat requirements of the mouse sleeper. The distribution area also decreases since the Pleistocene more and more.


  • Stéphane Aulagnier, Patrick Haffner, Anthony J. Mitchell -Jones, François Moutou Jan Zima: The Mammals of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. The identification guide. Main, Berne et al 2009, ISBN 978-3-258-07506-8.
  • Myomimus roachi endangered in the IUCN Red List species of 2012.2. Posted by: KRYSTUFEK, B., 2008, Retrieved on 1 February 2013.