Robert Cambert

Robert Cambert (* 1628 in Paris, † March 1677 in London) was a French organist and composer.

Robert Cambert was a student of Jacques Champion de Chambonnières. He initially worked at the church in St. Honoré as an organist. After 1672 Cambert failed at the royal privilege of Jean-Baptiste Lully's operas perform, bring his stage works to the performance. He left France in 1673 to London, where he was involved in the founding of the Royal Academy of Music, but was artistically in the few remaining years of life, it does not take more distance.

His stage works ( Pastoral ), which he created together with his librettist Pierre Perrin ( 1620-1675 ), were influential for the early development of French opera. Cambert left some " Airs " and " Airs à boire ", in their preface, he is mentioned as a composer of motets. François Roberday Cambert mentioned in the preface to his joints as a composer of organ music. From his created in England compositions and stage works that have been performed in part at the royal court, nothing is handed down.

His daughter Marie- Anne Cambert was a harpsichordist and married to the composer and violinist Michel Farinel. She did this for a time in Spain.
