Robert Scoble

Robert Scoble ( born January 18, 1965) is an American computer scientist, author and blogger.


Robert Scoble was born in 1965 in New Jersey and grew up near the headquarters of Apple Computer. Subsequently, he studied journalism at San Jose State University, where he met Steve Wozniak and could move to a donation for the chair. After he left the University without qualifications and his blog has been widely known in the IT scene, Scoble took a job as an evangelist for the operating system Longhorn at Microsoft. From media and experts, he was then referred to as the most influential networker of the company:

" He Has become a minor celebrity among geeks worldwide, who read his blog religiously. Impressively, He Has thus succeeded where small armies of more Conventional public -relations types have been failing abjectly for years: He Has Made Microsoft, with its history of monopolistic bullying, Appear marginally but noticeably less evil to the outside world, and Especially to the independent software developers did are his core audience. "

In June 2006, Scoble left Microsoft to devote himself podcasts with the company PodTech. In 2006 he moved again and founded the place with FastCompany.TV a video portal for the magazine Fast Company. Since March 2009, Scoble works at Rackspace as Startup Liaison Officer and is responsible for the relationship to young companies in his own words. Scoble is among the first owners of a Google Glass, he reports on their use regularly in his blog.
