Rodríguez, Uruguay

Rodríguez on the map of Uruguay

Rodríguez is a city in Uruguay.


Rodríguez is located on the territory of the department of San José in its sector 2 A few kilometers away is the western department capital San José de Mayo and the place Raigón while southeast Capurro, 18 de Julio and Ituzaingó are located. Moreover, far from Rodríguez flows past the west of the Arroyo cagancha.


On June 14, 1960 Rodríguez was under the legal regulation of Ley No.. 12,733 of the status accorded Villa.


By Rodríguez leads the Ruta 45, which hits south of the village on the Ruta 11, and the railway line Montevideo - San Jose - Colonia.


The population of Rodríguez is 2,604 (as of 2011), of which 1,248 male and 1,356 female.

Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay
