Roland Theodore Symonette

Sir Roland Theodore Symonette ( born December 16, 1898 Eleuthera, † March 13, 1980 in Nassau ) was Prime Minister of the Bahamas.

Roland Symonette was born in 1898 as one of several children of Methodist pastor Edwin Symonette and his wife Lavania. Although Symonette went to school for only six years, he became one of the richest people of the archipelago of the time. He was in the beginning of his professional career teacher, but smuggled alcohol during prohibition time in the United States. The profits he invested in real estate, liquor outlets and finally a shipyard.

In 1925 he stood successfully for Parliament as MP for election. Symonette was (without interruption) to 1977 in the Parliament. From 1955 to 1964 he was the head of state of the Bahamas. When the Bahamas in 1964 by Great Britain received their inner self, he became its first Prime Minister. In 1959, he was defeated by Queen Elizabeth II knighted.

Symonette was married three times and had six children. He is depicted on the 50 -dollar bill to the Bahamas.


  • Short Biography

Sir Roland Symonette | Lynden Pindling O. | Hubert Ingraham | Perry Christie | Hubert Ingraham | Perry Christie

  • Prime Minister (Bahamas )
  • Minister of Foreign Affairs (Bahamas )
  • Bahamians
  • Born in 1898
  • Died in 1980
  • Man