Rolling Thunder (person)

Rolling Thunder ( 1917; † January 1997) (German Rolling Thunder, actually John Pope ) was a shaman of the tribe of Cherokee Indians. He later moved to Nevada to the tribe of Shoshone to his first wife, Spotted Fawn (Eng. spotted fawn ) by their ritual to marry.


Rolling Thunder was the main character of several books, as in Doug Boyd's Rolling Thunder of 1976 and in the sequel Mad Bear from 1994, which is a biography of the medicine man of the Tuscarora tribe Mad Bear. He is also the main character of the story Rolling Thunder Speaks. A Message for Turtle Iceland, which was issued in 1998 by his second wife Carmen Sun Rising Pope.

In the movie The Trial of Billy Jack with lead actor Tom Laughlin Rolling Thunder is also appreciated.

In honor of Bob Dylan Rolling Thunder organized the Rolling Thunder Revue, a concert tour with various musicians.

In his later years Rolling Thunder suffered from emphysema. He died in 1997 from the effects of diabetes.


