Roman Catholic Diocese of Ji-Paraná

The Diocese of Ji- Paraná (Latin: Dioecesis Giparanensis ) is a located in Brazil Roman Catholic diocese based in Ji- Paraná in the state of Rondônia.


The Diocese of Ji- Paraná was born on January 3, 1978 by Pope Paul VI. built out of territory of Territorialprälaturen Guajará -Mirim and Porto Velho as Territorialprälatur Vila Rondônia and the Archdiocese of Manaus assumed as suffragan. On 4 October 1982, the Territorialprälatur Vila Rondônia was placed under the Archdiocese of Porto Velho as suffragan.

The Territorialprälatur Vila Rondônia was raised on February 19, 1983 by Pope John Paul II to the diocese and renamed Diocese of Ji- Paraná. On 23 December 1997, the Diocese of Ji- Paraná were parts of its territory from the foundation of the diocese Juína.


Prelates of Vila Rondônia

  • José Martins da Silva SDN, 1978-1982, then Archbishop of Porto Velho

Bishops of Ji- Paraná

  • Antônio Possamai SDB, 1983-2007
  • Bruno Pedron SDB, since 2007