Roman Catholic Diocese of Puerto Iguazú

The diocese of Puerto Iguazú ( Latin: Portus Dioecesis Iguassuensis, Spanish: diócesis de Puerto Iguazú ) is a location in Argentina Roman Catholic diocese based in Puerto Iguazú.


The diocese of Puerto Iguazú was established on June 16, 1986 by Pope John Paul II to the Pontifical Bull Abeunt alternative service out of territory of the Diocese of Posadas and the Archdiocese of Corrientes is a suffragan. On 13 June 2009, the Diocese of Puerto Iguazú were parts of its territory from the foundation of the diocese Oberá.

Bishops of Puerto Iguazú

  • Joaquín Piña Batllevell SJ, 1986-2006
  • Marcelo Raúl Martorell, since 2006