Roman Catholic Diocese of San Justo

The Diocese of San Justo (Latin: Sancti Dioecesis Iusti, Spanish: diócesis de San Justo ) is a location in Argentina Roman Catholic diocese based in San Justo.


The Diocese of San Justo was born on July 18, 1969 by Pope Paul VI. with the Papal Bull omnimode sollicite built out of territory of the Diocese of Lomas de Zamora and of the Diocese of Morón and the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires is a suffragan. On 25 November 2000, the Diocese of San Justo were parts of its territory from the foundation of the Diocese of Gregorio de laferrere.

Bishop of San Justo

  • Jorge Carlos Carreras, 1969-1982
  • Rodolfo Bufano, 1982-1990
  • Jorge Arturo Meinvielle SDB, 1991-2003
  • Baldomero Carlos Martini, since 2004

Pictures of Roman Catholic Diocese of San Justo
