Roman Catholic Diocese of TimiÅŸoara

The Diocese of Timisoara ( German: Temeswar; Latin: Dioecesis Timisoarensis ) was established on June 5, 1930.

It was created as a result of the signing of the Concordat between the Romanian government and the Holy See from the Romanian parts of the diocese Csanád. 1923 the episcopal see was transferred from Timisoara to Szeged.


At the end of the First World War was the tripartite division of the Banat. As a consequence, also the Csanád diocese was divided into three parts, so remaining 33 parishes and the city of Szeged in Hungary, 64 parishes with the center in Zrenjanin were incorporated into the Kingdom of Serbia, and 163 parishes and the city of Timişoara assigned to the Kingdom of Romania. The Romanian territory of the former Csanád diocese was reorganized on 17 February 1923 in an Apostolic Administration, based in Timişoara, and appointed the canon Augustin Pacha Apostolic Administrator. In the same year Julius Glattfelder left as the last bishop of the city of Timişoara Csanád. On June 5, 1930, the Governorship Csanád - Timişoara by Pope Pius XI. elevated to a diocese. Augustin Pacha, the previous titular bishop of Lebedo, was appointed first bishop of the Diocese of Timişoara. In 1948 the diocese was demoted to the rank of a deanery.

1950 Augustin Pacha and 44 priests were arrested. The followers Pacha, Joseph Pless, Iván Frigyér, Konrad Kern Weisz and Ferdinand captain wore substitutus the title of professor. Only Sebastian herbal received between 1983-1990 the title of professor substitutus ad nutum Sancti Sedis. The Diocese of Timisoara was revived in 1990, and herbs was ordained a new diocesan bishop. In 1999, Bishop Martin Roos at the head of the Diocese of Timişoara as the 90th successor of St. Gerhard, founder of Csanád bishopric ( 1030-1046 ).

The diocese was responsible in 2004 with a total of 91 priests about 168,000 believers who make up 11.1% of the total population of the diocese. For comparison, 267 priests were in 1950 still with the care of approximately 380,000 Catholics ( 29.2 % of the population at the time ) were employed.

Opened in 1992, the bishopric in the former Piaristengymnasium (Timişoara ) a theological lyceum named Gerhardinum.

Bishops and Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Timişoara
