Roman (vehicle manufacturer)

Roman S. A. is a Romanian manufacturer of trucks, buses and other commercial vehicles based in Braşov.


(: Red Flag - works translated) founded after the Second World War, the Steagul Rosu works were on the site of the old ROMLOC - car factory. In 1954, the first SR -101 trucks were delivered with four tons of payload.

In 1969 the then Întreprinderea de Autocamioane Braşov called a business license for the production of MAN commercial vehicles. Mid -1970s was followed by an additional license agreement for the reconstruction of the MAN -Metro bus. Since that time a part of the production was also under the brand Diesel Auto Camion ( DAC for short ) delivered.

In addition to the commercial vehicle imports from other Eastern Bloc countries (mainly Czechoslovakia and Poland) also Roman - trucks were delivered in the GDR from 1977, mainly dump trucks and tractors. There were, however, imported mixers and complete cooling trailer trucks.

As a driving source were used in most cases novel 215- hp engines, which were manufactured by MAN license. It was not until 1987 there were in the saddle also features 256- horsepower turbocharged engines. Almost all parts of the novel were produced in Romania. A total came to 1989 more than 2800 trucks this manufacturer in the GDR.

Roman Derrick Truck

Roman - tanker truck on a postage stamp of the Romanian Post



On November 15, 1987 broke out in the factory Steagul Rosu from the dejected by state security organs uprising of Braşov, at which involved approximately 20,000 workers in the city. It was directed against the economic policies of Nicolae Ceauşescu in communist Romania.
