Rondo dwarf galago

The Rondo Rondo Zwerggalago or Galago ( Galago rondoensis or Galagoides rondoensis ) is a primate of the family of galagos ( Galagonidae ). It is the smallest and rarest representatives of this group.


Rondo Galagos reach a body length 10-12 centimeters, the tail is 19 to 22 centimeters considerably longer than the hull, and its weight is around 60 grams. Their fur is gray brown on the top, the underside is lighter. Between the big eyes runs a white stripe, characteristic of the species is like a bottle brush shaped tail. As with all Galagos ears are enlarged and very mobile.

Distribution and habitat

Rondo Galagos occur only in Tanzania. The first specimens were discovered on the Rondo Plateau, now seven localities are known. Habitat of this species are coastal forests and other tropical forests to 900 meters above sea level.

Way of life

These primates, like all Galagos nocturnal. During the day they sleep in self-made sheets nests at night they go looking for food. Perpendicularly they move away climbing and jumping and usually stay in the undergrowth close to the ground. Their diet consists of insects and fruits.


The range of the species is dispersed among seven small forest patches that are spread across the Tanzanian coast and comprise a total of only 92 km ². The clearing of forests, and thus the destruction of their habitat are the main threats represents the IUCN lists the species as " threatened with extinction " ( critically endangered ).
