Rory Collins

Sir Rory Edwards Collins ( born January 3, 1955 in Hong Kong ) is a British epidemiologist.

Collins earned in 1977 at the George Washington University in Washington, DC a bachelor's degree in statistics, in 1981 at St Thomas' Hospital Medical School, London University graduate from medical school and in 1983 at the University of Oxford, a master's in statistics. Since 1981, Collins has worked at the Clinical Trial Service Unit & Epidemiological Studies Unit ( CTSU ) at Oxford University, becoming its head in 1985 - together with Richard Peto - took over.

1996 Collins was appointed Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology at the University of Oxford. Since 2005 he has additionally carried out by UK Biobank prospective study of 500,000 British 40-69 years.

Collins is a leader involved in the planning and implementation of large-scale epidemiological studies, particularly on the causes, prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease and cancer. He was also involved at the forefront of the instrument of meta-analysis.

Thomson Reuters is one of the favorites to Collins a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine ( Thomson Reuters Citation Laureates ). 2011 Collins was appointed a Knight Bachelor.
