Rosa glauca

Rotblatt Rose (Rosa glauca )

The Rotblatt Rose (Rosa glauca ), also called pike - Rose, is a native to Europe, wild rose with a loose, upright habit. Their natural habitat is mountain ranges of the Pyrenees through the Alps to the Carpathians. Rotblatt Rose Pink synonyms are rubrifolia Vill. and Rosa ferruginea Déségl ..

The leaves are pure green, but blue frosting, so this rose as a splash of color even then acts in the garden when they are not blooming. In the autumn the leaves turn orange-red to yellow.

The 2 cm, barely fragrant flowers appear in clusters of 5 to 15 and have dark pink colored at its base whitish petals. The fruits are round, crimson rose hips of 1 cm diameter with high value jewelry.

The Rotblatt Rose can be well over two meters high and is well suited as an ornamental plant for the garden. They should, however, be unchallenged planted by strong competitive woody plants in a bright location. In their demands on the soil type is not picky and tolerated by even the driest soils. It is hardy to -35 ° C ( USDA zone 4). Like many other wild rose plant needs little care, only a certain susceptibility to Rose rust is observed.
