Rosa multiflora

Rosa multiflora

Rosa multiflora (syn.: Pink Sieb & Zucc polyantha. . ) Is a wild rose that blooms very rich (Latin multiflora = many flowered ). It is referred to in German as Vielblütige Rose, Rose panicles or Polyantha rose. Originally comes the Rosa multiflora from East Asia: Japan, China and Korea.


Your 1 cm small, white, fragrant flowers are radial symmetry. They grow in June-July in large bunches with up to 500 individual flowers on last year's wood. Later 7mm appear small, round rose hips. Your up to 3 m long shoots have little spines, and large, pale green, odd pinnate leaves with fringed or ciliated stipules on the petiole.


Rosa multiflora is often used as a base for Rambler and other büschelblütige roses because their rooting cuttings easily. You hybridized easily and was bred into many garden roses. Especially their ability to produce many flowers in clusters is in demand in rose breeding. A cultivar is the kind of Rosa multiflora ' Carnea ' high stature and small, filled pink flowers.

As bee pasture plant Rosa multiflora is valuable, their little fruits are rarely recycled. Rosa multiflora is hardy to -29 ° C ( USDA zone 5 ), fast growing and well suited for hedge planting.
