Rosy Grizzled Skipper

Called Anvil Stain Cube Dickkopffalter ( Pyrgus onopordi ), also SOUTHWESTERN cube Dick head, is a moth of the family of Dickkopffalter.


The forewing length is 11 to 14 millimeters. The moth is dark brown with slightly yellow tinge. The front and rear wings have distinct yellowish spots. Especially pronounced is the spot in cell seven. The underside of the hind wing is light yellow-brown and slightly dark marbled with yellow veins. Striking is a large anvil -shaped Diskoidalfleck in the cells four and five and a further spot in cell 1c. The female is usually slightly larger, has a darker top and is beschuppt weaker usually yellow.

The yellowish egg is round and much flattened at both ends. It comprises on the surface of up to twenty strong longitudinal ribs.

The caterpillar is light to dark brown with bright side ridge lines. It has a black head.

The dolls are bluish frosted with a very high contrast drawing, the drawing is often resolved on the back of the thorax in stains and marks.

Geographic occurrence and habitat

The anvil spot Cube Dickkopffalter is on the Iberian Peninsula, in southeastern France and in Italy, located in the north to the 46th degree of latitude, including the Valais Rhone Valley and the Southern Alps. In North Africa it is found in Morocco and Algeria. A single occurrence of the Swabian Alb ( from 1928 ) is now extinct. Also a questionable on reported in the literature occurrence in Slovenia is now extinct. The way to linger at flower-rich hot rocky slopes, poor grass and checked dry cultivated land to over 1400 meters (to the north of its range ) and to over 2500 meters in the Sierra Nevada (Spain).

Way of life

There are trained from one to three generations per year. The time of flight of butterflies is from May to October. The caterpillar overwinters in the L4 stage, at later oviposition in the younger stages (from L1). The caterpillars feed on Potentilla hirta, Potentilla pusilla and probably also to a creeping cinquefoil ( Potentilla reptans ), Apennine Rockrose ( Helianthemum apenninum ) and path - mallow ( Malva neglecta ).

