Rota (poem)

The " Rota " ( referring to matters of content aspect of an oath - see oath ) is one of the most famous poems by Mary Konopnicka. It refers to the suppression or Germanization of Polish Prussia.

The Rota was first published in 1908 in the journal " Przodownicy ". She was presented publicly for the first time in 1910 at the ceremony in Krakow for the 500th anniversary of the Battle of Grunwald (1410 ).

The poem consists of four stanzas. Three of them form a canon in one of the most famous Polish patriotic songs with the same title to the Feliks Nowowiejski composed the melody.

As of 1918, the Rota was the anthem of the Polish Scouts and after the Restoration of the Republic of Poland in November 1918, it stood as a Polish national anthem for debate. But to put the song of the fighting under Napoleon Bonaparte for the freedom of their fatherland Polish Legions, the Mazurek Dąbrowskiego through.

The " Rota " is sung to this day at meetings nationally patriotic groups, but also often in processions at Corpus Christi. The first two lines of the third verse have become one of the most famous sayings.

In the fifth line of the third verse refers to the " sound of the golden horn " on the work of Stanisław Wyspiański " Night Drive " ( German for wedding). The horn is used as a symbol for a general proposal for accommodating the Polish struggle.


Never rzucim ziemi skad nasz ród, Never damy pogrześć Mowy, Polski my Narod, Polish invited, Krolewski SZCZEP piastowy. Never damy, by nas gnębił wróg! Tak nam dopomóż Bóg! Tak nam dopomóż Bóg!

2 Do krwi ostatniej kropli z cyl Bronic będziemy ducha, Az rozpadnie proch w i w Pyl Krzyżacka Zawierucha. Twierdza nam bedzie kazdy Prog. Tak nam dopomóż Bóg! Tak nam dopomóż Bóg!

3 Never bedzie Niemiec pluł nam w twarz, Ni dzieci nam germanił! Orężny wstanie hufiec nasz, Duch bedzie nam hetmanił. Pójdziem, gdy zabrzmi złoty róg. Tak nam dopomóż Bóg! Tak nam dopomóż Bóg!

4 Never damy miana Polski zgnieść, Never pójdziem żywo w trumnę A w Polski imię, na jej cześć Podnosim czoła czule. Odzyska ziemię dziadów wnuk. Tak nam dopomóż Bóg! Tak nam dopomóż Bóg!

1 Our fatherland we do not give up. Our language we will not perish, We are the people of the Polish nation, the royal Piast dynasty heir. We will not torment us by the enemy. For this purpose, the Lord God verhelf us! For this purpose, the Lord God verhelf us!

2 Until the last drop of blood spreader we will defend the spirit, Up to dust and debris smashed the Crusaders pack. The House threshold had us military fortress! For this purpose, the Lord God verhelf us! For this purpose, the Lord God verhelf us!

3 The German will not spit in our face, Not our children Germanise, Resurrection is our armed army, The Spirit will lead us. Once the golden horn sounds we leave. For this purpose, the Lord God verhelf us! For this purpose, the Lord God verhelf us!

4 We will not overwhelm the determination of Poland. Alive we do not climb the coffin. And in the name of Poland, and his esteem, We lift forehead tenderly The grandson is Back Erlangen Gross Väters country For this purpose, the Lord God verhelf us! For this purpose, the Lord God verhelf us!
