Rouge (cosmetics)

Rouge (pronounced ru ː ʒ, of French rouge: red) is a cosmetic product which serves to change the face color ( complexion ) so that the cheeks redder therefore appear more youthful and " healthier ". There is often a talkumartigen powder, which is mixed with red dye.

It serves as a dye of the content of the Safflors, a perfumed with rose oil solution of carmine in ammonia water and rose water or a mixture of carmine or Safflorrot with talc. Also a good useful Rouge gives the Schnouda, a colorless mixture of Alloxan ( from uric acid prepared ) with Cold Cream, which stains the skin red.

Plotted is with a blush brush. The Rougieren the cheeks dates from the time of Louis XVI. , As a paleness still regarded as noble able feature, but also included alternations to fashion. In the previously white powdered faces a little red was spotted.

Rouge is kept small, no more than palm-sized, flat cans.

Nowadays you will find the notes of the cheeks not only rouge, but other colors such as blue, purple, pink, terracotta.
