Roy Bean

Phantly Roy Bean ( * 1825 in Mason County, Kentucky, † March 13, 1903 in Langtry, Texas ) was a saloon owner and self-appointed judges in the Wild West. He is one of the legendary figures of the period.

Bean was in 1825 in Mason County, Kentucky, born as the youngest of the three sons of Phantley Roy and Anna Henderson Gore Bean. In the 1880s, "Judge " Roy Bean opened in Langtry on the Pecos River in Texas his saloon The Jersey Lilly. At this name was inspired by an actress known at that time: Lillie Langtry.

He declared himself the justice of the peace and called itself the Law West of the Pecos. He was appreciated for its reasonable judgment, although he favored his friends.

Sensation was caused Beans dog, although it looked scary but was harmless - even as he chased many a fiend fear a.

Bean died in 1903 of old age.


  • The figure Roy Beans is contained in multiple comics. On the one hand at Lucky Luke in The judge, on the other hand, in the prisoners at White Agony Creek, a Disney comic by Don Rosa, where he always as solving problems or if something does not fit, refers to the slopes. For example, he hung a man after he had spilled by accidentally nudge Beans drink.