Royal Netherlands Sea Rescue Institution

The Koninklijke Nederlandse Redding Maatschappij ( KNRM ) is the Dutch equivalent of the German Society for Sea Rescue. She is responsible for the search and rescue service in the Dutch North Sea coast and the IJsselmeer. The KNRM maintains for this purpose 39 stations. The headquarters is in IJmuiden since 1996. Funding is, as with the German Society for Sea Rescue, through private donations.


The Koninklijke Nederlandse Redding Maatschappij was formed by the merger of the Noord Noord -en Zuid -called Koninklijke Hollandse - Redding Maatschappij ( KNZHRM, founded on 11 November 1824) and the Koninklijke Zuid- Hollandse Maatschappij tot Redding van Schipbreukelingen ( founded on November 20, 1824 ), which was also called South.
