Rufous-capped Warbler

Rotkappen Warbler ( Basileuterus rufifrons )

The Red Caps - Warbler ( Basileuterus rufifrons ) is a small bird of the family Warbler ( Parulidae ).

Rotkappen Warbler reach a height of about twelve to thirteen centimeters. Male Red Cap Warbler have an olive to olivbraunes top plumage, a pale yellow throat and a bright yellow breast plumage. The rest of the underside plumage is white to grayish. The head is red. From the beak base a white line over the eye extends rearwardly in the neck area. There is a white line on the cheek. The females and young birds carry an overall duller plumage.

Rotkappen Warbler inhabit the south of North America. The distribution area extends from Mexico down to the south of Central America. Further north, they inhabit the southeastern Arizona and south Texas. More rarely they are further north and can be found in the Southwest.
