
Ruisreikäleipä is the name for a Finnish bread with hole in the middle.

The bread has a diameter of about 30 cm and being 3 to 4 cm in thickness, the hole measuring about 5 cm in diameter.

For the preparation of rye flour is used, sometimes in admixture with flour. The bread is baked at about 250 ° C for 20 to 30 minutes.

Ruisreikäleipä was traditionally baked a few times a year and then put for drying and storage on racks and the ceiling (usually the kitchen ) suspended.

Initially, this bread was baked only in Western Finland, spreading to other areas was much later. The difference in the bread-making in Western and Eastern Finland was founded in the different architecture. While in the West the houses had two ovens ( one for heating and one for food preparation ), was used, a single furnace for heating and baking in the east. The oven was therefore fueled rare in the West. When it is baked, then the same in large quantities.
