Russula gracillima

The Tender Birch Russula ( Russula gracillima )

The Delicate Birch Russula ( Russula gracillima ) is a mushroom of the family of Täublingsverwandten ( Russulaceae ). The Style epithet is derived from the Latin adjective gracilis, which means as much as delicate or slender.

  • 7.1 Notes and references


Macroscopic characteristics

The cap is 2-6 cm wide. Usually it is colored dull greenish or olive in the middle and has a pink border. However, it can also be colored pure pink or pale purple. Jung is the fungus convex, then spread, and sometimes he has a little hump. The hat skin can be removed to a maximum of one-third to half. Mature fruiting bodies often have a fluted edge. The fragile and soft - fleshy stalk is long in relation to the hat. He is often mottled pink. The fins barely walk on a stick and they are an off-white, as well as the spore powder. The blades are not cutting sawn or jagged when viewed with a magnifying glass. The flesh is white and tastes moderately sharp.

Microscopic characteristics

The spores are broadly elliptical, 7-9 microns long and 5-7 microns wide, with up to 1 micron high, usually isolated projecting warts. Between the warts, no or very few connecting lines are formed. The numerous hat skin - Zystiden are cylindrical to slightly club-shaped and up to 10 microns wide, or simply not septate. The basidia are 42-48 microns long and 8.5-11.5 microns wide, with four sterigmata 4.5-5.5 microns wide. The Zystisten are langkeulig or bulbous extracted with mostly 1 (-2) constrictions, with short, 0.5-2 microns long Appendikul or to a Spitzchen, 58-85 × 9.5 to 13.5 microns, usually 70 microns long and 11 microns wide. In Sulfovanillin with the exception of Stielchens and possibly early Spitzchens blue.


Similar species are Birch Russula Russula betularum memory, which is often found under birch trees, and although he is often paler, it can easily be mistaken for a bleached birch Täubling. Its fins and its spore powder is white and he has a much sharper taste. Even changing colored Russula Russula fragilis memory is very similar, it can occur at the same sites. It is usually darker and more purple and has cut or notched blades cutting, are unmistakably under a magnifying glass.


The Delicate Birch Russula is a mycorrhizal fungus of birch. You can usually find him from summer to late autumn in small groups under the birch or less from pastures.

He likes to grow in damp grassy places on acidic, nutrient- poor sandy, clay loam or peat soils. About lime it is very rare. Typical locations for the Tender Birch Russula are Moore, Birch breaks or other water sites near birch woods. It is the Täubling but also on forest edges, forest trails or find in parks.


The Delicate Birch Russula is a Holarctic species native mainly in the temperate climate zone to the boreal and partially penetrates into submeridionale areas. You can find the Täubling in North Asia ( Siberia, Japan), North America (USA, Canada) and Europe. In Europe, Spain and Italy is its southern limit of distribution and in the southeastern Slovenia. In the west it occurs in France, the Netherlands and the UK. There you can find him up to the Hebrides. In Northern Europe, Täubling is widespread and can be found throughout Fennoskandinawien. The northern limit of its distribution area is in Lapland.

In Germany the Täubling occurs in all states. Its distribution extends from the East Frisian Islands in the north to the alpine foothills. Overall, he is very patchy and rarely scattered everywhere.


The Delicate Birch Russula is placed in the sub-section Exalbicantinae which is available within the section Firmae. The lower section contains small to medium sized russulas with predominantly pink to reddish wine hats. The stem is white or pink overcrowded and prone to moisture in horror. The russulas taste schärflich to have sharp and cream to ocher-colored spore powder.


The feed value of the fungus is unknown. Because of its sharp taste but you have to assume that he is at least eaten raw mildly toxic.
