Sa Nur

Sat only (Hebrew שא - נור ) was a Jewish settlement in the northern West Bank with last about 150 inhabitants, which was cleared in August 2005. The settlement was founded in 1982 and was located in the region between Samaria and Jenin Nablus. The three other settlements that were evacuated in August 2005 in the West Bank, were Kadim, Ganim and Chomesch. While the evictions of Kadim and Ganim were peaceful, it came in Sa Only violent clashes between settlers and Israeli forces.

As during the al -Aqsa Intifada in the neighboring settlement Chomesch three settlers were killed by Palestinians, left the 24 families who lived in Sa Only, the place and went to Israel. Two weeks before the so-called evacuation of the settlement - is actually meant the destruction - launched radical settler groups a call to come to Sat only. This call was followed by about 650 settlers, who for several days clashes with Israeli forces fought.

See also: List of Israeli settlements
