Sabri Çakır

Sabri Cakir ( b. 1955 ) is a German teacher and poet of Turkish origin. He is also the author of textbooks.


Cakir came in 1978 in the context of family reunification Germany, lives in Gelsenkirchen, where he works as a Turkish teacher.

As an educator Cakir had recognized early mastery of the first language as an essential prerequisite for the acquisition of a second language: he developed Metinlerle Türkçe Dersleri (German: Turkish with selected texts, 1983 f ), a multi-volume textbook work to learn the Turkish language, in what was then West Germany's special education was used.

Simultaneously published Cakir poems in German and Turkish. Living in the anthology in two languages ​​( 1983) published his German text I have two homelands. Texts like this and be What I can not understand are now often cited as typical examples of the former migrant literature. A number of the poems Sabri Çakırs appeared in the 80s also in Turkish and German magazines.

In the 90s, the teacher wrote with Temel Türkçe (German: Basic Turkish, 1996) another textbook series for children of Turkish origin in Germany.

Cakir also worked from 2000 Türkçe Anadil Dersleri (German: Mother tongue Turkish hour) a method and content modernized textbook work in several volumes, which is used for learning the Turkish language schools in Germany, but also other European countries.

More recently, Cakir under the title We Wanted to Live ( Eng.: We wanted to live, 2004) narrative texts published on the victims of the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 in the United States. Cakir wrote the lyrics in the wake of the attacks consisting of a kind of inner communing with the dead out within seven months. The book was published so far only translated into English in the USA.
