
Syed Sadequain Ahmed Naqvi (* 1930 in Amroha, India, † in Karachi, Pakistan, 1987) was the most famous painter and calligrapher of Pakistan. The son of a Muslim, Urdu-language calligrapher from Uttar Pradesh (North India ), he moved to Pakistan in the early 1950s. Starting from the tradition of Islamic calligraphy, he experimented with lettering and later went to the pictorial painting with oil paints, but also markers, over. Known are its iconography seeming often, sometimes heavily abstracted portraits. Sadequain also illustrated poems liberal Pakistani poets like Faiz Ahmed Faiz and Muhammad Iqbal. Since it is also called Syed he also comes from Fatima - tul -Zahra ( the daughter of hl.Propheten Muhammad (saw) ) from. He died at age 57 in Karachi. He was a Muhajir.
