Safety net

Collecting a personal area network ( also known as net or only as a collecting grid hereinafter) is a network which is provided as a safety device in the event of a fall of persons. It serves to collect the dashing person.

Safety nets are protective equipment and are applied in various fields, including on construction sites and in "flying air Numbers" in circus companies. For the construction industry, the building industry professional association, the rule BGR situated 179 that must be met in order for a network can be used as fall protection.

Safety nets are called "secondary fall protection " means, that is, they do not prevent, in contrast to primary fall protection the crash, but only alleviate its consequences. Therefore, it is required to use Safety nets only if primary fall protection such as covers, balustrades and accruals for technical reasons can not be used. Safety nets are mounted horizontally.

Safety nets are usually made ​​of plastic twine, as it is relatively flexible and not cut when a person falls into the net.
